Thursday, February 28, 2013

Succession in GA and Alexander Stephens

Georgia was the 5th state to succeed from the Union on January 19, 1861. But before Georgia succeeded people had to vote. People who wanted to leave the Union were called secessionists and the people who wanted to stay with the union were creationists. Alexander Stephens had said earlier in his life that slavery was  " that abominable human tragedy" but when it was obvious that Georgia was succeeding he signed the Ordinance of Succession, which basically the constitution for the Confederates. Eventually the former Unionists won the vice presidency for the south and became Vice President of the Confederacy. After the South lost the war Stephens was taken to prison for five months at Boston's Fort Warren. after her was released he was elected into the U.S Senate under the new President Andrew Jackson's "forgiving reconstruction theme" although much to many northerners disapproval.

Courtesy of National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institute
Above Alexander Stephens

Courtesy of Civil War Treasures, New York Historical Society
Stephens name is on
one of those heads.

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